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The fonts used are Galliard BT and Times New Roman. B: The name of the presenter/workshop leader The name of the presenter or workshop leader includes the PMP designation, or other professional designations as applicable: at the bottom of the section cover when it appears as part of the title of the Abstract when it is first mentioned in the Biography C: Commercial Promotion and Communication Prohibited The Society does not allow the commercial promotion of products or services. To this end, company and product names shall not be included in presentation or workshop titles; presenters or facilitators shall not be identified by job titles or with company names, except only in their biographical summaries and as part of published contact information. Company names and logos in slides and presentation materials shall be discouraged. Any person who participates in a technical program shall do so as a qualified professional in her or his own right, and under no circumstance as a representative of an organization. D: Evaluation forms Three versions of the evaluation form are included. The appropriate one should be selected: combined presentation and workshop presentation only workshop only WAW December 11, 2013 &Society of PM Professionals Of GREATER VANCOUVER bestpractices for building andrunning networks  Steve Forrest, PMP Best Practices for Building and Running Networks A case study presentation / workshop by Steve Forrest, PMP ABSTRACT Through an examination of the practical application of both methodologies, this interactive workshop will ask all the seminar participants to share their "Best Practice" experience and training for building and running IT Services and networks. The aim will be to build a focused list of the 5 best practices in Project and Operational Management from both the hard won experience of the members and our professional training materials. These will be compared to the PMBOK and the ITIL Service Support and Service Delivery publications. Vancouver Community College's use of the same guidelines will be introduced through a brief examination of their Project Management Framework. BIOGRAPHICAL OUTLINE Stephen Forrest, PMP brings 26 years experience in project management in both the UK and Canada. He is currently employed as the Manager, Network Services in Information and Computing Services at Vancouver Community College where he has just finished building a Project Management Framework for use by all VCC business areas. Stephen delivered a highly successful 2-day pre-conference workshop on Project Management to attendees at the IT4BC 2003 and 2004 Conferences and delivers Project Management training to staff of all levels at Vancouver Community College. He is currently studying for his BC Provincial Instructor Diploma. In telecommunications in the 1980's, Stephen designed and built the Vancouver Stock Exchanges network and workstations for electronic trading. In 1990, he was the project manager for the BC government's fibre optic Victoria Metropolitan Area Network. In 1989 to 91, Stephen was the project manager for the first major structured cabling system in BC with a fibre optic backbone at BC Systems HQ, 4000 Seymour Place in Victoria. He also led a less successful project to introduce video conferencing to the BC Government in the early 1990's. &Society of PM Professionals Of GREATER VANCOUVER Evaluation of Presentation and Workshop Best Practices for Building and Running Networks  Steve Forrest, PMP Could be Improved Satisfactory ExcellentPresentation Clear, skilful, and knowledgeable presentationContent of Presentation Informative, useful, and practical Workshop Facilitation Participation opportunity, skilful direction, effective capture of ideasWorkshop Accomplishments Useful knowledge gained from other participants The most valuable knowledge or understanding gained:     Suggestions for improvement:     &Society of PM Professionals Of GREATER VANCOUVER Evaluation of Presentation University Network Program - Alberto Cayuela, PMP & Susan Mair, PMP Could be Improved Satisfactory ExcellentPresentation Clear, skilful, and knowledgeable presentationContent of Presentation Informative, useful, and practical  The most valuable knowledge or understanding gained:      Suggestions for improvement:      &Society of PM Professionals Of GREATER VANCOUVER Evaluation of Workshop Best Practices for Building and Running Networks Steve Forrest, PMP Could be Improved Satisfactory ExcellentWorkshop Facilitation Participation opportunity, skilful direction, effective capture of ideasWorkshop Accomplishments Useful knowledge gained from other participants The most valuable knowledge or understanding gained:      Suggestions for improvement:      Permission to Publish Presentation Materials This is a request to post your presentation materials and your contact information on the web site for the Society of PM Professionals. Please provide your specific consent by completing the check boxes and form fields below: The Society has my permission to make the presentation materials listed below available for download on its website, subject to the conditions specified below:  FORMCHECKBOX  I agree  FORMCHECKBOX  I disagree The Society has my permission to post my contact information as listed below on its website:  FORMCHECKBOX  I agree  FORMCHECKBOX  I disagree Description of presentation materials: (Title of presentation or handout materials and date of presentation.)  FORMTEXT       Contact information for author: (Any or all of e-mail address, postal address, telephone number.) E-mail  FORMTEXT       Phone  FORMTEXT       Address  FORMTEXT       Submit this document to the seminar Project Manager or the Technical Program Manager along with your soft copy presentation materials, who will send a copy to the Registrar of the Society: Walter Wawruck at wawruck@telus.net Conditions of Publication All presentation and handout materials will be converted to PDF (read only) format and will be made available for download only in that format. The following notice will appear on the website: By using or downloading any material from this site, I agree that the material shall be for my personal use only and shall not be reproduced for other parties, without the consent of the author. WAW December 09, 2011  | ^  ( * , > D F H \ n p r t v T_`el,z5CJOJQJhmH PJmH  ;CJ0mH  0J4CJ0mH  CJ0hmH 0J4;CJ0mH ;CJ0OJQJhmH 0J46CJ0OJQJmH CJ0mH :CJ(OJQJhmH 6mH 5CJ(OJQJhmH 5CJHOJQJhmH 5CJOJQJhmH 55mH mH 0ef3yX{ { |  B ^ ` #$. !ef3yX{ { |  B ^ ` * , F H Z \ p ƿ䵵|u 5  5  5  5  5 5!                     #$       .-` * , F H Z @8($$l8V$$l8V$$l8V5$5 $$l08$X  !$ $$$Z \ p r t v x z | ~  5HI,#/%)$$l8V5$$$l8Vp r t v x z | ~  5HIJSTIJ  op~xsnid_ZU###H#I# # # ", "5#~#/%% ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) 5 IJSTIJ  op_`<f!$ $$H$7$8$"#_`<fhjHJLpryrng`Y #  #  #  #  #  #  #  #  # .( ! /   K  M  OQR#s#o#p#### "} "~#S <@dfhjHJr<@hjln24xz|~  PQV!W!e!f!g!r!s!!!!!!!!婳埳jUmH jtUmH jUmH  jUmH CJmH 5mH CJmH CJOJQJmH CJOJQJhmH  :hmH 6mH mH 5CJOJQJhmH 5CJHOJQJhmH :fhjHJLpr#$C$$l\L$x#$$.8("$$l08$X  *MNOPQRh4.$C$$l\L$x#$*MNOPQRh89:;<}vrmhc\XQ # ij # k#l## #  #  #  #  .  #  #  #  # < . 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